Conceived, choreographed and directed by Elena Velasco
Produced by Arts on the Horizon - Michelle Kozlak, Producing Artistic Director
Featuring Diana Gonzalez Ramirez, Audra Jacobs, and Camilo Linares. Understudied by Arianna del Pino, Bri Houtmann, and Amber Smithers.
Stage Management and Costume Design - Ilyana Rose-Davila
Set and Props Design - Cecelia Cackley
Sound Design - Elena Velasco and Marcus Smith
Production Management and Lighting Design - E-hui Woo
Photo Credit - Ryan Maxwell Photography
Produced by Arts on the Horizon - Michelle Kozlak, Producing Artistic Director
Featuring Diana Gonzalez Ramirez, Audra Jacobs, and Camilo Linares. Understudied by Arianna del Pino, Bri Houtmann, and Amber Smithers.
Stage Management and Costume Design - Ilyana Rose-Davila
Set and Props Design - Cecelia Cackley
Sound Design - Elena Velasco and Marcus Smith
Production Management and Lighting Design - E-hui Woo
Photo Credit - Ryan Maxwell Photography