Bhavi the Avenger by Tearrance Chisholm
September-October 2015
Produced by Convergence Theatre
Directed by Elena Velasco
Lighting/Projections design: Nathaniel Collard
Set Design and Shadow Puppetry: Joshua Rosenblum
Costumes: Madeline Belknap
Dramaturgy: Olivia Haller and Stephanie Tomiko
Stage Management: Emma Heck
Photo Credit: C. Stanley Photography
Generously supported by CulturalDC and the Mead Theatre Lab program
Honored by DCMetroTheaterArts Best of 2015
Best Directors of a Play in Professional Theatres
Best Plays in Professional Theatres
Best Performances
September-October 2015
Produced by Convergence Theatre
Directed by Elena Velasco
Lighting/Projections design: Nathaniel Collard
Set Design and Shadow Puppetry: Joshua Rosenblum
Costumes: Madeline Belknap
Dramaturgy: Olivia Haller and Stephanie Tomiko
Stage Management: Emma Heck
Photo Credit: C. Stanley Photography
Generously supported by CulturalDC and the Mead Theatre Lab program
Honored by DCMetroTheaterArts Best of 2015
Best Directors of a Play in Professional Theatres
Best Plays in Professional Theatres
Best Performances
Bhavi/Bobby - Marquis D Gibson Amna - Kecia Campell
Elephant/Puppeteer - Latia Stokes Prudence - Ines Dominguez del Corral
Bill - Alex Miltech IV Spirit/Musician - Asif Majid
Elephant/Puppeteer - Latia Stokes Prudence - Ines Dominguez del Corral
Bill - Alex Miltech IV Spirit/Musician - Asif Majid